Monday, July 27, 2009

A Compilation of the Word of the Week posts.

dégagé (ˌdā-ˌgä-ˈzhā)
Definition: being free and easy
Example: Dierks Bentley's song just didn't sound right as "degage down the road I go".

Emeritus (i-ˈmer-ə-təs)
Definition: Someone retired from an office or position but permitted to retain as an honorary title the rank of the last office held.
Example: my kids are now old enough that saying's some kind of latin word just doesn't work! So why isn't the former President of the United States referred to as Emeritus?

Florals (ˈflȯr-əls)
Definition: A blooming young woman?
Example: "In Young Women the Florals go to a different class" - Megan Scott

flubdub (ˈfləb-ˌdəb)
Definition: 1. Pretentious nonsense; bunkum
2. partial lyrics from the Ewok celebration song at the end of Return of the Jedi.
Example: I think I said this the other day when I stubbed my toe. Isn't bunkum a game? It sounds like a good name for a game. So does flubdub for that matter.

Frappé (fra pā′)
Definition: Original Greek meaning: shaken or chilled (usually applied to spray-dried coffee). This is now what the Americans call an iced cappuchino though it can also be a frozen fruit drink according to some definitions.
Example: The Mashed Potato, Roger Rabbit, and Electric Slide were all dances. I wonder what the Frappe would look like? Let's all do the Frappe!

Habituation (hə-bĭch'ū-ā'shən)
Definition: Decrease in responsiveness upon repeated exposure to a stimulus; being abnormally tolerant to or dependent upon something habit forming.
Example: The people of the United State's response to Government spending and growth.

Indecipherable (in-di-ˈsī-f(ə-)rə-bəl)
Definition: Incapable of being deciphered.
Example: The US Tax Code (case in point: I used to work for an accountant where my sole job was to replace the revisions to the tax code as they came in the mail. I would often replace the same page 3 times a week.)

Opprobrium (uh-proh-bree-uhm)
Definition: the disgrace or the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful
Example: If you want someone to be sympathetic to your plight don't use big words when you whine about it like Frankenstein's monster did.

Pulchritudinous (pŭl'krĭ-tūd'n-əs)
Definition: Characterized by or having great physical beauty or appeal.
Example: A Clean Toilet.

Definition: Well the fashion police are fighting over this one. It's either a Sheer Dress or a cross between a shirt and a dress (usually worn over leggings).
Example: All I know is at my age, I wouldn't be caught dead in a shress

Vertiginous (vər-ˈti-jə-nəs)
Definition: Having or causing a whirling sensation (may be caused by frequent and often pointless change)
Example: My life now that I have a 12 year old girl

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